Irlen Syndrome (also known as Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome) is a brain problem, not an optical one. Irlen Syndrome is present when the brain has an inability to process visual information so that the letters on a printed page can appear to move or shift.

Some of the symptoms can include:

  • Light Sensitivity
  • Poor Depth Perception
  • Slow Reading Rate
  • Attention Deficit
  • Strain or Fatigue
  • Insufficient Reading
  • Dizziness
  • Behavior Problems
  • Migraines

Currently, the only way to test for Irlen Syndrome is through a trained Irlen Screener. The problem tends to run in families and is not currently detected by any other medical procedure or standardized educational test. The Irlen Method has been successfully used to identify and help people with this type of processing problem for over 25 years. Click here to take the self-test.

Using precision-tinted colored overlays and filters for glasses, The Irlen Method is scientifically proven to improve the processing of visual information by those suffering from this condition.

This non-invasive solution to lessening many reading difficulties is easily accessible by contacting Mary. She is the only certified Irlen Screener/Diagnostician in the state of Florida. She works out of offices in Bradenton and Osprey.

To find out more information or to be tested for these life-changing lenses, Contact Mary

For more information about Irlen, please visit their website:

Our Services

Irlen Syndrome

Irlen Syndrome is a perceptual processing disorder that can be treated non-invasively with the Irlen Method.

Handwriting Without Tears

Handwriting Without Tears is a step by step approach to help students learn to print and write cursive.

Master The Code

Master the Code is a multi-sensory phonics based reading program.

Touch Math

Touch Math teaches students to add, subtract, multiply and divide through the use of touch points on numbers or coins.


Processing and Cognitive Enhancement. A brain based learning program that strengthens processing in 26 major learning areas.

Academic Coaching

Gives students the tools they need to be successful in all subject areas.